Cartea Europeană a Cercetătorilor & Codul de Conduită pentru Recrutarea Cercetătorilor
Declarația USM de aderare la Cartea Europeană a Cercetătorilor & Codul de Conduită pentru Recrutarea Cercetătorilor
The HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) was launched by the European Commission in order to support the implementation of the principles and requirements of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers. The principles of the Charter and Code specify the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers. The overarching aim is to develop an attractive, open and sustainable European labour market for researchers.
In July 2015, Moldova State University was awarded the right to use the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ logo by the European Commission. This significant award was achieved by participating in and successfully completing the HRS4R process, which involves the following steps:
- Completion of an internal Gap Analysis involving all key players, to compare policies and practices against the Charter and Code principles
- Based on the results of the Gap Analysis,MSU developed its own HR Strategy for Researchers, which included a concrete public action plan
- The Gap Analysis and action plan were reviewed and acknowledged by the European Commission, granting MSU the right to use the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ logo
- Progress in the implementation of the strategy and action plan is subjected to a self-assessment after 2 years – see documentation below
- An external evaluationto be carried out at least every 4 years
Documentation from 2-year Review 2017:
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Servicii EURAXESS Moldova
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
Approved activities for the Moldova State University HRS4R updated Action Plan in 2017
Excellence in research and IF articles 2017
Vladimir I. Brinzari, Alexandr I. Cocemasov, Denis L. Nika, Ghenadii S. Korotcenkov. Ultra-low thermal conductivity of nanogranular indium tin oxide films deposited by spray pyrolysis. Applied Physics Letters, Volume 110, 071904, 2017, 5 p.
Vladimir I. Brinzari. Mechanism of band gap persistent photoconductivity (PPC) in SnO2 nanocrystalline films: Nature of local states, simulation of PPC and comparison with experiment, Applied Surface Science, Volume 411, 2017, pp. 437–448.
Korotcenkov, V. Brinzari, B.K. Cho. In2O3— SnO2-based ozone sensors: design and characterization. Critical Review. In: Solid State and Materials Sciences. 2017, pp. 1-50.
G. Korotcenkov, V. Brinzari, B.K. Cho. Interference effects between hydrogen and ozone in the response of SnO2-based gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators B 243, 2017, pp. 507–515.
Г.Н. Герасимов, В.Ф. Громов, Т.В. Белышева, М.И. Иким, Е.Ю. Спиридонова, М.М. Грехов, И.В. Шапочкина, В.И. Брынзарь, Л.И. Трахтенберг. Влияние оксида циркония на сенсорные свойства металлоксидных бинарных нанокомпозитов. Ж. Физ. Химии, том 91, вып. 10, 2017, сс. 1765-1770.
S. Vatavu, N. von Morzé, S. Wiesner, S. Moras, V. Hinrichs, J. Gasiorowski, D. R. T. Zahn, M.-Ch. Lux-Steiner, and M. Rusu, CuInSe2 nanostructures prepared by chemical close-spaced vapor transport for hybrid photovoltaic devices. Thin Solid Films, Elsevier, Volume 633, 2017, p. 185-192.
Denis L. Nika and Alexander A. Balandin, Phonons and Thermal Transport in Graphene and Graphene-Based Materials, Review. Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 80, 036502, 2017, 21 p.
Guodong Li, Milad Yarali, Alexandr Cocemasov, Stefan Baunack, Denis L. Nika, Vladimir M. Fomin, Shivkant Singh, Thomas Gemming, Feng Zhu, Anastassios Mavrokefalos, and Oliver G. Schmidt, In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Radial and Planar Si/SiOx Hybrid Nanomembrane Superlattices. ACS Nano, Volume 11, 2017, p. 8215–8222.
Alexandr A. Barsuk and Florentin Paladi, Generalized Parametric Model for Phase Transitions in the Presence of an Intermediate Metastable State and Its Application. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, Volume 487, 2017, p.74−92.
Igor Bogush, Victor Ciobu, and Florentin Paladi, Advanced Computational Method for Studying Molecular Vibrations and Spectra for Symmetrical Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom, and Its Application to Fullerene. European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, Springer, Volume 90, 2017, p.193−8.